Sunday, March 1, 2009

"Untangle my heart, love. I'll love you all night."

Some things never change.

The weekend was great. This is the only picture i have from the Scion Rock Fest because my camera was not permitted into the event. Holly was by my side 90% of the day. I loved it. I missed her. & it was like we never stopped hanging out. Spin Magazine took photos of us for their article on the event. I hope we make in. Look at that picture.. we are babes.. just sayin.

Trash Talk ruled Friday & Saturday. Seriously so intense. & on Saturday I watched the crowd go nuts and it made me remember what it felt like when I went to shows when I was like 16.

Neurosis was mind blowing and LOUD. So loud. Listened to half of their set sober.. and the other under the influence of what was going around and I must say it was a sensory overload listening to them. That isn't a bad thing. I only listened to them a handful of times before and I will now be listening often.


Friday night after Trash Talk Bobby & I went to a bar to pass some time waiting on the other two people who came with us to get out of the show they went to. The bar ruled. The playlist at the bar was awesome & they had an extensive list of beers. I am not a beer kind of girl for the mot part, but I figured I should at least try something new since I was there. Drank a Young's Double Chocolate Stout. Chocolate beer? YES. I think I might be down for some beer tasting in the future. Not the same ol' Bud Light kind of shit. The interesting beers please.

Attn dudes: Stop being turds.

Sometimes people just aren't who you think they are. That's all I have to say about that for now.

My name is Cristina Davis, and I am considering becoming a lesbian.

Currently: Fences

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