Sunday, March 8, 2009

"There's some kinda love and there's some kinda hate."

11. The most recent picture of you.

On Friday night my brother took me to CiCi's Pizza and I got that sweet stach out of a 25 cent toy machine. Then I proceeded to wear it at the tattoo shop & then later at a bar. Everyone was a fan. haha

12. A picture of you being absolutely ridiculous.

White Russians and new found freedom... bras are off.. and on my head? Yeah I have no idea about this other than the fact there are several photos with OTHER people wearing my bra on their head. haha

13.A picture of you showing off your new hair cut/color.

First hair cut after a year and a half of no cuts. 

14. A picture of a time in your life that's over and you wish wasn't.

I met her before I started kindergarten. She was my best friend and we just drifted apart. I miss her.

15. A picture of a time in your life that's over and you couldn't be more thankful.

Last summer. I was more confused about my life than I'd ever been. Soon after this picture I made a huge decision and it literally changed my entire life. So glad I don't have to think and worry that hard now.

I haven't updated in a few days because my laptop died. I knew it was going to. So, I bought a new one last night! I got a MacBook and I am stoked on it. Too bad im computer retarded and I have no idea how to use this thing. I'm sure ill get the hang of using a mac soon. 

The weekend ruled. Went to moms on Thursday. Hung out with my favorites. Justin got my name tattooed on him haha. Came back to Knoxville last night for my girls 21st birthday. Was tons of fun for sure. 

My name is Cristina Davis and I have a busy week ahead of me. bleh.

Currently: The Misfits

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