Thursday, April 30, 2009

"Moments like this don't just come and go, so soak it in"

I'm stoked on so many things right now. The good is outweighing the bad and thats a first in a while. I still have lots of doctor stuff to deal with but I can't just sit around and stress about it. The 11th is one big doctor day and I'll get some answers and some relief. I need to get another job. Hot Topic is fun but I need to get more hours. so I'll prob just pick up a random job and do both. I really like working there. I get to go home for a little while next week so im happy about that & then St. Louis & Baltimore. I love that I have been traveling more in 2009. Its fun and I could have been doing this all along. Summer is going to rule.

Tonight-Slumber party at Holly's with Maggie too.
I cant wait to be in Chicago for Burning Fight!

I got this program now that makes ringtones for my iphone.. FOR FREEEE.

Currently: The Suicide File

My name is Cristina Davis and I have a lot of things to get done today... but im happyyyyy.

Friday, April 24, 2009

I got 4 shots on the back of my HEAD today.

Really though.. this kind of shit makes me feel helpless bc there's nothing I can do & i have no control.

Wednesday, April 22, 2009

"Young and Stupid, left wide open. Hearts are wasted, lives are broken."

I overreact a lot. I just need to think more positively about things. I see a specialist tomorrow and hopefully things are good and they can help me.

Other health issues.. I have to go home again soon to see another doctor about my retarded boob & then we are making a surgery date. 

This is my right bewbie via ultrasound.

This is the bad guy they they have to take out. Apparently if its relatively big.. insurance might pay for a boob job. YES PLEASE. DREAMS COME TRUE? haha

I'm just looking forward to getting out of Knoxville for a few days and hanging out.  I'm looking forward to spending my time with some people. It really is weird how people come into your life when you least expect it... and when they arent supposed to ha. ;)

He makes me so happy.. I mean look how cute he is!

Currently: Blink 182

My name is Cristina Davis and I need to relaaaaaaax.

Tuesday, April 21, 2009

"but it all boils down to one quotable phrase, 'if you love something give it away.'"

Just when I think things can't get worse... they do of course.
I wish I could just catch a break. More doctors. More doctors. More doctors.

Called my mom last night crying about it.. she wants me to come home and get better, but I can't. I'm resigning my lease so I'm here to stay. I was 14 and thought i'd never see it again... talked about it with my room mate a few days ago.. and I found it last night again. So I called the doctor this morning. They are seeing me today... thats never really a good sign.

Surgery in May for something totally different. My body is killing itself. cool.

Currently: Bright Eyes
feeling down and helpless sucks.

Monday, April 20, 2009

"The love I sell you in the evening by the morning won't exist"

Love isn't good to me.

Currently: Bright Eyes
I don't know what I keep doing wrong. Everyone leaves. Just stay.

Saturday, April 18, 2009

"Kids like us will be alone forever. Kids like us will be alone together."

& Hope Con on the 1st. 

P.S. Working at Hot Topic really isnt that bad all. I basically hang out all day talking to kids about music and movies. My managers rule. We have a wall of "Staff Picks" where we put a cd by our name of what we currently like.. I walked in today & one of them put Twisted cd  by my name haha. I quickly changed it to Gaslight Anthem.


My name is Cristina and things are good today.

Friday, April 17, 2009

"You try to give away a keeper, or keep me 'cause you know you're just scared to lose."

Today was good. Mailed my package & went to World's Fair Park to read a book.

They have a brand new Veterans Memorial at the park & I walked by to see it and I found my dad's name.
Pretty cool & the memorial is really nice looking.

World's Fair Park/ The Sun Sphere

I'm going to go out with my girls tonight. Work tomorrow then driving home for a few days. 

Currently: New Found Glory

My name is Cristina and things are whatever. 

Monday, April 13, 2009

"Move a little closer, hold me tighter. I'll stay if you're going to keep me in line."

Got a package in the mail. 6 Nantucket Nectars from a sweet boy.

Currently: New Found Glory

My name is Cristina Davis and I'm stoked, full and learning to relax & forget about turds (because I rule and you're missing out.)

Sunday, April 12, 2009

"All my friends say that of course it's gonna get better."

Currently: Regina Spektor

My name is Cristina Davis and I'm ?

Saturday, April 11, 2009

"You're the laziness of afternoon. You're the reason why I burst and why I bloom."

I hate Kings of Leon, but I love yelling out "YOUUUU, YOU'RE SEX IS ON FIIIRE!"during that part of that dumb song. It is a guilty pleasure. It's so bad. 

Today I had a driving class at 9am. I was not happy about it and got out of the class at like 12:45. But I broke the law, whatever. The most redneck people ever where in that room with me. That and 19 year old boys that think their car is supposed to be in the Fast & the Furious or something. They also think its so cool to get tickets or something. It's dumb and expensive!

Went to Borders today & bought a book and a new journal. When I got home i immediately wrote something in the journal and glued something in. The journal was upside down and backwards ugh! I ruined it already! Oh well. It still works. 

I want a Ukulele. You should buy me one. It's like $40. HERE!

Let's start a band.

P.S. You're a turd and you think you are getting away with something really horrible. You are a butt hole and one day someone is going to beat the crap out of you just to make sure you get yours!

Currently: Motion City Soundtrack 

My name is Cristina Davis and I should be reading. blehh!

Friday, April 10, 2009

"That shit you say can really hurt me,I wrote this note, I'll read it once. I feel like giving up."

Penny died. I'm going to burry her tomorrow on campus. This sucks
My other rat Tegan is totally bummed too. 

Nathan came over today to cheer me up and we went to Fresh Market for some grocery shopping. A cashier there was crazy and hitting on me retarded hard but in a strange way? haha He was singing and making weird jokes. It was fun. I just smiled and laughed a lot. Then we went to Nathans work to drop off some things. 

I got new glasses sent from Korea. Ive had them for a while now but ive never worn them until today. I like them and when I went to target today I got a few compliments on my glasses! Good choice!

I finished up a package for a friend. Im excited for  them to get it. :)

fuck wearing pants.
& I made this sweet giraffe today.

Yeah I'm a nerd. SO WHAT.


My name is Cristina Davis and i have driving class in the morning. bleh.

"I'm listening carefully to where exactly you might be..."

Cause I've had enough waiting.
I've had enough waiting for you.

Hung out with Bobby downtown today. Took a bunch of pictures of him. I don't know what I'm doing but it's fun and it was in the 70's today. So nice out. He makes me feel like I'm not crazy or an idiot. "He's girl fuckin' retarded!" I'm glad we can still hang and have a great time even after a bunch of craziness. 

Currently: An Horse

My name is Cristina Davis and I'll miss you.

Thursday, April 9, 2009

"Only just begun, it's been fun, we were fucked up and numb"

Man, everything went to shit today.
I guess it's just one of those days.

Couldn't sleep last night. Got like 2 hours?
Had a test today at 8a.m. & it kicked my ass.
My mom decided they aren't coming now.
My room mates have gone home & so have the rest of my friends. 
This might be my first weekend in Knoxville alone.
I'm being ignored.

Hanging with Bobby later and taking some pics of him downtown.
Taking Benz to the dog park later today.
No class tomorrow.
The weather rules.

Tomorrow will be better. Hopefully Hot Topic calls me today & tells me I have to work all weekend. That would be good since I'm here alone. fuck.

Currently: Alkaline Trio

My name is Cristina Davis and I'm really bored.

Wednesday, April 8, 2009

"And I am surprised how this fits together..I'm surprised how we fit together."

I just decided to stop worrying about things. Everything will be okay. Things will work themselves out on their own. The worst that could happen is that I end up alone.. and what's really new about that? I have less to stress about now anyways. I have a job now.. at Hot Topic. ha but a job is a job at this point. I have a place to live for the summer too and I'll be staying in Knoxville. This is going to be my "grown up" summer. For the first time in my life I'll be working to pay my own bills. This is a little scary for me because honestly i've had everything handed to me all my life. I'm 21 and I'm spoiled beyond belief and i like having nice things. This summer will be a big learning experience and a test for sure.. but I'm looking forward to it. I'm looking forward to feeling accomplished. I'm looking forward to some traveling this summer too. This summer is going to be good. I'm going to grow and I'm going to love.

My mom and little step brother are coming tomorrow to hang out with me for a few days. Friday we are going to Dollywood. haha. It will be my first time there. Hopefully it isn't too redneck. & hopefully my mom will take me shopping in Gatlinburg at the RL Polo outlet! Saturday I have driving class for a speeding ticket I got in December. bleh.

Its so nice outside today. Drove with my windows down and walked Benz for a while. I like days like today.

I'm currently feelin' good.

Currently: An Horse

Tuesday, April 7, 2009

"I never let on, that I was on a sinking ship. I never let on that I was down."

You blame yourself, for what you can't ignore
You blame yourself for wanting more.

Timing is everything and at the moment this timing dilemma is kicking my ass.  I feel like a jerk.. but at the same time I've got to look out for my interest and my own happiness i guess. Does that make me selfish? I'm so confused. I don't know what I want. Its so weird how people come into your life out of nowhere.

I need new rules. haha
1. No dudes involved in hardcore music.. or know what it is.
2. No dudes that live stupid amounts of miles away.


It snowed last night & it made me think of you.

I wish you'd step up before I give up on you.

Currently: Smashing Pumpkins

My name is Cristina Davis and I hate making decisions.

Monday, April 6, 2009

"And tonight will go on forever while we walk around this town like we own the streets."

I'm gonna stay eighteen forever 
So we can stay like this forever
And we'll never miss a party
cause we keep them going constantly
And we'll never have to listen
to anyone about anything
cause it's all been done and it's all been said
we're the coolest kids and we take what we can get

Currently: Brand New
My name is Cristina Davis and I don't want to grow up.

Sunday, April 5, 2009

This post is really random and spread out everywhere. 
Organization is out the window.
The weekend ruled. Hung out with my family and friends. Took my little brother to an Easter egg hunt. Spent a lot of time at the Coup with great people. Made new friends. Got a new cover for my iPhone and picked up some rad Polo stuff. Found out today I am going to Japan, China, and Korea next summer. STOKED. It's so weird how people come and go from your life... weird timing. I still have really poor decision making skills.  I think I want to study the psychology behind human sexuality in grad school. I've been looking into it a lot. my mom is coming to see me this coming up weekend. Let's talk about how bad it sucks when a random person comes up to you and tells you they saw you naked on the internet. Yeah fuck that.  


Did my hair different today. Beach wave in TN. YES.

He rules.

My cute little brother! Look at his awesome shirt i picked out... he was not stoked on the pink.

He's cute.


Currently: The Weakerthans (like always duhh)

My name is Cristina Davis and I'm in a mess. It could be a good one.. but a mess it is.

Thursday, April 2, 2009

"Control yourself. Take only what you need from it."

Sometimes I feel like everyone is playing a joke on me.
They all know about it collectively... and I'm clueless.

Currently: MGMT
My name is Cristina Davis and I think too much.