I'm stoked on so many things right now. The good is outweighing the bad and thats a first in a while. I still have lots of doctor stuff to deal with but I can't just sit around and stress about it. The 11th is one big doctor day and I'll get some answers and some relief. I need to get another job. Hot Topic is fun but I need to get more hours. so I'll prob just pick up a random job and do both. I really like working there. I get to go home for a little while next week so im happy about that & then St. Louis & Baltimore. I love that I have been traveling more in 2009. Its fun and I could have been doing this all along. Summer is going to rule.
Tonight-Slumber party at Holly's with Maggie too.
I cant wait to be in Chicago for Burning Fight!
I got this program now that makes ringtones for my iphone.. FOR FREEEE.
Currently: The Suicide File
My name is Cristina Davis and I have a lot of things to get done today... but im happyyyyy.