Thursday, December 17, 2009

Livin' the Princess life.

Tuesday, December 8, 2009

xmas dinner party!

My brain hurts and is over worked at the moment... its finals. I had 2 today.. one in an hour and a 7 page paper due. yesterday and today are kicking my ass!

Xmas break starts tomorrow for me.. after a final of course. I can not wait to not have to do anything for a month. This xmas break is gonna rule. got a bunch of stuff planned out. I need to get on top of shopping. Cant wait for xmas and New Years! im going to Stlouis a few days before xmas to hang out with Ben and his family. then after his familys xmas party on xmas eve we are going to my parents home for a few days. then off to Atlanta for a vacation together for New Years! We have tickets to the UT-Virginia tech bowl game and reservations at Top Chef's Kevin Gillespie's restaurant. i am pretty excited about this trip. Cant wait to get away and relax and shop and eat and watch football!

i need to do so much stuff this weekend. xmas shop for my family and Ben and i need to find some cute dresses for new years.

ahhhh my brain is deadddd. too much studying too many tests!

Tuesday, November 17, 2009

"Wake up in the morning feelin' like P.Diddy."

My friends rule. My life rules.

Our Memphis/Ole Miss trip was a success.

Partied on Beale Street in Memphis. Got VIP passes to a club..for free. Had a great time at the game at Ole Miss. Got a ticket for $25 from an old day... 6th row seats for $25? Yes please! Had an awesome time partying at the tailgate in The Grove. I finally got to wear my awesome orange flower dress. It was a hit! Thanksgiving next week with my boo!

Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Livin' it.

Friday starts my road trip with my girls. Memphis then going to Ole Miss for the game! We've always wanted to road trip to an away game together.. and we are finally doing it! No tickets yet.. but im sure they wont be hard to get on game day.If you have some or know someone who does let me know!

When we get back from out trip. ill have a week or so of school then Thanksgiving break. This will be my first Thanksgiving day not spent with my family.. I'll be at Ben's family Thanksgiving. Then the next day we are going to my family's home for the rest of my break. Its going to be nice. I need to find a really cute/nice dress to wear on at his family's Thanksgiving!

On another note, I miss my dog! He is staying at my moms house because of the traveling im doing this weekend and then for thanksgiving. I hate that hes not with me all the time! I miss his guts. hes like my little baby.

Tonight I'm going out for drinks and fries with some of the girls... I'm looking forward to it. Ive had such a boring day.

I need to do some laundry before my trip though.. or else im not going to have anything to take. good thing the weather is going to rule on saturday. I get to wear an orange floral dress to the game. :) dresses and game days with my girls are the best.

Its fall. I love fall!

My life is as perfect as it can be right now :)

Saturday, November 7, 2009

Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Time to think. Time to write.

Ive been in a real weird place the past couple of days. Most of it is probably because I've had a lot of time to think about things.

The farther along I am in school the more i think i wish i had gone to school for something else. I dont really care about psychology. I've learned a lot and have noticed that I apply it when thinking about situations and the ppl around me and just people in general.. but I dont particularly care about psychology or a career in it. I know I will end up going to grad school after this.. so maybe the shit tons of money ill be making after im done with school will give me a spark of interest in it ha. People say money doesnt make you happy.. and im sure it doesnt. But it can sure make doing something a lot more tolerable. Plus Ive been studying child psych this semester and its really interesting.. maybe a career in that.

I feel so weird about NOT being in college soon. Its scary. the past 4 years thats all I've known and lived. It's going to be so weird to not be with my girls and to have them all over the US. They wont be a 5 min drive away. It will take hours or plane rides to get to them.. and we will hardly ever be in the same place at once. Im betting the only time we will all be at one place is during our weddings and such. Its depressing to think about really. I love them. We've taken care of each other at our lowest of lows and our sadest of sad. We've also have the best time making memories together. They are the best group of girls any girl could have during college. We have become a family here.

After my time here at UT im not positive as to what I'm going to do. I know grad school will happen eventually.. but not immediately. Thats kind of scary too. Either I will go back to the Clarksville area or I'll move to St. Louis. Im thinking the second one. I know Clarksville. I know Nashville and for the most part.. I'm over it. And starting a new life is exciting and doing so with someone I care about more than I ever have is a great thing. We are on the same page. So why not? We want to take care of each other and make each other happy. I feel the best when I am with him or with my family & I feel like both bring out the best in me.

More than ever I feel like a lot of people dont understand me and theres only a select few that I trust with telling how I feel or what I think. The select few have been getting smaller and smaller in number lately. I dont think thats a horrible thing though. I think a lot of people dont understand me and my feelings because they havent gone through certain things I have. Some I think because they have already analyzed me and their opinion is already biased based on that or their idea of me is biased based on other things before even hearing me out or trying to understand where I come from. It's just real discouraging to have friends like that though. You dont know everything about me or about the things I do. So stop pretending you do before you hear me out. I guess this helps me surround myself with people who really do care about hearing me out and the people who do care about what makes me upset or what has made me happy.

I havent had any kind of drama in so long. Its really nice to delete those sorts of people from my life and how much easier life can be without it. I guess a lot of that is just part of myself growing up and not being a dramatic girl as well. Though, theres some things that dont seem to go away no matter how hard i try to delete it from my life. They are always there trailing behind or going out of their way to me to bring me down. And to that all I have to say is: grow up & leave me alone. I am happy and doing so well these days. I have it all.. great family, great friends, great boyfriend, great school. I have fun and Ive smiled more in the past 6 months than i have in the past 5 years. It just amazes me how people can think about ruining me or my spirits so much. I could care less to do that to anyone these days. I am happy with myself and the ppl i surround myself with and thats all that really matters.

Thursday, October 29, 2009

"I'll look after you."

I was a mess a year ago. I slept all the time to not feel like everything was against me and to not think about how worthless I felt & I drank all weekend with my friends to also forget those feelings. I dont feel like that now and two things come to mind when I try to think why its different. 1. Spring Break. I realized how I felt about myself and the reckless things I was doing to myself and the people around me wasnt okay. 2. I met someone who makes me feel safe and lets me know I am worth it. As corny as it sounds... he saved me. What other feelings can be better than feeling safe, loved, and worth it all? There isnt. & I cant remember the last time I've felt all those things at once. The past 6 months have been so good to me. 6 months already. My friends love him, my family loves him, spent the past weekend at his family's home in St.Louis and they are great. This is so good.

There now, steady love, so few come and don't go
Will you won't you, be the one I always know
When I'm losing my control, the city spins around
You're the only one who knows, you slow it down

Friday, October 16, 2009

Happy Birthday to me!

My Birthday was last week! 22 is a weird age so my party was "21 AGAIN!" My friends & boyfriend are awesome. They got me a cake and everything. invited ppl over and we drank some at the apartment then went to bars. It was a great night. :)

Now I'm at moms for fall break. Next week I'll be in St.Louis with my boy. Cant wait.

Tuesday, October 6, 2009

"Louder, lips speak louder."

It's still so weird to me how things happen/work out.
I've got it all. I just wish I could have it all in one place. All my family, friends, school, and boyfriend.

The next few days are going to be so busy. Cant wait for Thursday :)
"I'm so in love it's retarded."

Tuesday, September 29, 2009

hmmm randomness

I painted a city last night on a few records. It looks pretty cool. I never feel like I'm done with a painting though... I always want to add more. & it's almost my 22nd Birthday! Boyfriend comes next week. so excited to see him. It's been a month! We are going to go to the Georgia game and he's got surprise dates planned. How sweet. Boyfriends and Birthdays rule! Then Mom,Shin, and my brothers are coming to the mountains to stay in a cabin and I get to go too since I'll be on fall break. Ahh things are good.. minus the 2 exams I have next week. 2 exams on my Birthday week. Lame! It's almost Halloween! Halloween id my favorite holiday next to xmas. Decorating this week &&&&& putting up my Halloween tree!

This is cool.

Wednesday, September 2, 2009


Since I am in my 4th year, my girls and I get the best seats. Row 6? YES PLEASE. I hope this season is good and Kiffin brings our team back up. Just requested UCLA tickets for my girls and I for the next weekend.

Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Boyfriend bought me orange Hunter rain boots!


Friday, August 14, 2009

"You da fuckin best. You da fuckin best. You da fuckin best. You da fuckin best. You da fuckin best. Best I eva had. Best I eva had. Best I eva had."

The past month in pictures from my phone.

Painted paws.

Ive lost some weight!

Benz has a gf at the dog park. Shes much bigger than him!

I love him.

Made bowls out of records. it was easy.

I painted the orange one & Ben surprised me with the black owl!

Cut my hair off again!

My brother turned 7.

Ben switched out my Boston key chair for the Chicago one without me knowing. haha funny & sweet.

Ben is a good cook & whats even better is that he really likes cooking and cooks for me :)

Blossom is a great cuddler. We like each other.

Pool days. love them.

Spending time in the mountains:)

Things are changing. I'm making big plans. I can't wait to see what happens next. Feels good to be really happy again.

Monday, July 20, 2009

"This love isn't good unless it's me & you"

I'm outstandingly happy. I can't remember when I last felt this way.
This past year has been a mess for me. I made a lot of mistakes. I
hurt a lot of people and I was hurting most of the time. I was doing
things I'm now not proud of while looking for affection, love, or to
just not feel lonely. Within the past couple months I've notice a
change within myself. I finally feel good. I feel happy. And I feel
like I'm enjoying things in my life so much more. It's so strange how
things happen. It's so strange how and when people come into your
life. I feel like I can finally breath and it's about time.

Sunday, June 21, 2009

How do you feel?

Ben is coming here on Thursday to stay with me and my family.
He asked me to go back to Chicago with him on the 29th. I am.
I haven't been happier.

Thursday, June 11, 2009

"My hearts in overdrive and you're behind the steering wheel."

3 weeks till im there.

2 weeks till hes here.

1 week till surgery.

Hopefully the next two weeks go by quickly.

Friday, June 5, 2009

"You're what keeps me believin the worlds not gone dead."

I have a crazy run of bad luck right now... and if this all was going on 2 months ago I'd be having a nervous break down... but I'm happy. I've got a boo that wants to make me happy and take care of me and it was completely unexpected that things worked out this way... or that I even let him in because a new boy was the LAST thing I was looking for.

My bad luck... its so bad that my parents are becoming superstitious and have asked me to move back home again for a couple months. I really dont want to. I have my place in knoxville.. and i just moved into a new place 2 days ago! A couple weeks ago I was coming to my parents home and on the interstate there was a massive orange cone in the middle of my lane as i reached the top of a hill. there was no way to avoid it bc there were cars in the lane next to me. I hit it and my car stopped working when I was an hour and a half away from home past midnight. A tow truck came an hour later and i had to ride with him to clarksville... that was about $5,000 in damages to the car. Then I returned to knoxville... with my parents convertible bc my car was still in the shop and I got in an awful wreck that caused my parents car to be totaled. It was one of the scariest things ive experianced and I'm still afraid to drive. My parents drove to knoxville that day and picked me up and brought me to clarksville. I returned from Chicago without any run ins with bad luck and picked up my cousins and took them to knoxville with me to help me move. we decided to come back to clarksville and on the way back we stopped at opry mills to do a little shopping. My car was broken into the windows were shattered. my new macbook stolen, their laptop stolen and $2,000 worth of other things were gone. how can all these crappy things all happen at once?! geeeze.

Despite all these not so fun things... i feel great. I am really happy right now & i'm looking forward to things that are coming up.

Currently: Say Anything

My name is Cristina Davis and I need your horse shoes and four leaf clovers!

Tuesday, June 2, 2009

"So, hold my hand I'll take you everywhere.. anywhere you wanna go."

Blossom.. best dog (Number 2 to Benz of course.)

"Trouble makers"

Forever hanging with dudes in the North so I can be called a Southern Belle all the time. Who says gentlemen are in the South? Nope. Dudes need to take notes.

Traveling rules. This is the summer of Chicago. I'll see you soon.

Currently: New Found Glory

My name is Cristina Davis and things are good.

Thursday, May 21, 2009

"Take me by the hand and tell me you would take me anywhere"

Wednesday I'll be in Chicago again. Time is going by so slowly. I just want to be there now. I probably wont want to leave either.

Poor decision making skills is what I'm good at... but this time I'm pretty sure I'm making a great one.

"I want to take care of you."

Currently:Tegan and Sara

My name is Cristina Davis and I'm happy.

Tuesday, May 19, 2009

"Louder, lips speak louder. Better, back together."

8 days till Chicago.

Currently: Yeah Yeah Yeah's

My name is Cristina Davis and I hope things stay this good for me.

Sunday, May 17, 2009

"Love, don't cry."

My friend's father died last week and they had his funeral yesterday. My girls and I drove up to the mountains where it was at. I had been kind of dreading going... I know it was something I had to do and I wanted to be there for her because more than all our girls.. I know exactly how she feels. I kept telling myself to keep it together and to just go and be there for her and make sure she knew I cared about her even though our friendship wasnt the strongest. The mountain side was beautiful. It had been raining the past few days and we were afraid it was going to rain that day too.. but it didnt and the sun came out. It was seriously such a pretty place to be and the tiny white church had a bright red roof on it. I was fine until the service in the church began and I saw my friend crying. This was the first funeral I have been to since my dad died... and I was there for my friend whos dad had just died. It was such a crazy feeling. I knew her hurt and I knew that there was nothing any of us could do to make it better. & I felt it all over again. After the service we made our way to his plot and they had their service there too and thats when it was the worst for her and for me. I remember watching her hug the coffin and cry and kiss the top of it and I lost it. I'm so glad my girls were there too. I had a feeling they had talked about this before i got to the house to make the trip. I had a feeling they knew this would be a day that they'd have to be there for our friend..and me. and I couldnt help but feel bad that I was taking this away from my friend. This was a day that we were supposed to be there for her and yet I was making my friends have to work double. My friend knew too that it would be a hard day for me. I hugged her harder than I've ever have. And she did the same back and said she had been thinking about me. We both knew what the other was thinking and feeling. I find it so weird that I would connect with her like that being that I was the one who wasnt as close to her. We all went back to her house for food and drinks and it turned out to be a great day after that. It's amazing how we meet people and how we care about people. These girls will be in my life forever. They will be at my wedding. They will come to see my children. I will go to their weddings and love their children. We will do crazy things together and love one another and make amazing memories. Yesterday reminded me how valuable these girls are to me and how much I love them all.

We left with a round of "Rocky Top" and huggs and kisses and smiles. The one hour ride back to Knoxville was beautiful. The moutains were bright green, the sun was shining and the windows were down and I felt alright about everything.

Currently:The Yeah Yeah Yeah's

My name is Cristina Davis and everything will be alright.

Tuesday, May 12, 2009

"You're the yellow bird I've been waiting for."

I feel great lately & I'm happier than I have been in a few months.

It's so weird how things work out.

I can't wait to be back in this city.

Currently: Bright Eyes

My name is Cristina Davis and I am stoked.

Tuesday, May 5, 2009

"How far you fall for it – how far you fall"

Who's drunk? She's got the edge.

Alex is a guy I can take home to mom....

Derek loves korean girls.


"I wish I was at the beach."


Chicago ruled. I havent had that much fun in a long time. I met so many awesome people, hung out with friends I already have and learned some stuff.

Awkward moments and weird timing are the stories of my life! It's so weird how people come into my life at the timing they do. Things are interesting at the moment. I don't know whats going to happen.. but im stoked.

Chicago again soon! This time I want to fly though... that drive/ride sucked!

Currently: 108

My name is Cristina Davis and I am looking forward to things and stoked on making my own decisions.

Thursday, April 30, 2009

"Moments like this don't just come and go, so soak it in"

I'm stoked on so many things right now. The good is outweighing the bad and thats a first in a while. I still have lots of doctor stuff to deal with but I can't just sit around and stress about it. The 11th is one big doctor day and I'll get some answers and some relief. I need to get another job. Hot Topic is fun but I need to get more hours. so I'll prob just pick up a random job and do both. I really like working there. I get to go home for a little while next week so im happy about that & then St. Louis & Baltimore. I love that I have been traveling more in 2009. Its fun and I could have been doing this all along. Summer is going to rule.

Tonight-Slumber party at Holly's with Maggie too.
I cant wait to be in Chicago for Burning Fight!

I got this program now that makes ringtones for my iphone.. FOR FREEEE.

Currently: The Suicide File

My name is Cristina Davis and I have a lot of things to get done today... but im happyyyyy.

Friday, April 24, 2009

I got 4 shots on the back of my HEAD today.

Really though.. this kind of shit makes me feel helpless bc there's nothing I can do & i have no control.

Wednesday, April 22, 2009

"Young and Stupid, left wide open. Hearts are wasted, lives are broken."

I overreact a lot. I just need to think more positively about things. I see a specialist tomorrow and hopefully things are good and they can help me.

Other health issues.. I have to go home again soon to see another doctor about my retarded boob & then we are making a surgery date. 

This is my right bewbie via ultrasound.

This is the bad guy they they have to take out. Apparently if its relatively big.. insurance might pay for a boob job. YES PLEASE. DREAMS COME TRUE? haha

I'm just looking forward to getting out of Knoxville for a few days and hanging out.  I'm looking forward to spending my time with some people. It really is weird how people come into your life when you least expect it... and when they arent supposed to ha. ;)

He makes me so happy.. I mean look how cute he is!

Currently: Blink 182

My name is Cristina Davis and I need to relaaaaaaax.