Sunday, May 17, 2009

"Love, don't cry."

My friend's father died last week and they had his funeral yesterday. My girls and I drove up to the mountains where it was at. I had been kind of dreading going... I know it was something I had to do and I wanted to be there for her because more than all our girls.. I know exactly how she feels. I kept telling myself to keep it together and to just go and be there for her and make sure she knew I cared about her even though our friendship wasnt the strongest. The mountain side was beautiful. It had been raining the past few days and we were afraid it was going to rain that day too.. but it didnt and the sun came out. It was seriously such a pretty place to be and the tiny white church had a bright red roof on it. I was fine until the service in the church began and I saw my friend crying. This was the first funeral I have been to since my dad died... and I was there for my friend whos dad had just died. It was such a crazy feeling. I knew her hurt and I knew that there was nothing any of us could do to make it better. & I felt it all over again. After the service we made our way to his plot and they had their service there too and thats when it was the worst for her and for me. I remember watching her hug the coffin and cry and kiss the top of it and I lost it. I'm so glad my girls were there too. I had a feeling they had talked about this before i got to the house to make the trip. I had a feeling they knew this would be a day that they'd have to be there for our friend..and me. and I couldnt help but feel bad that I was taking this away from my friend. This was a day that we were supposed to be there for her and yet I was making my friends have to work double. My friend knew too that it would be a hard day for me. I hugged her harder than I've ever have. And she did the same back and said she had been thinking about me. We both knew what the other was thinking and feeling. I find it so weird that I would connect with her like that being that I was the one who wasnt as close to her. We all went back to her house for food and drinks and it turned out to be a great day after that. It's amazing how we meet people and how we care about people. These girls will be in my life forever. They will be at my wedding. They will come to see my children. I will go to their weddings and love their children. We will do crazy things together and love one another and make amazing memories. Yesterday reminded me how valuable these girls are to me and how much I love them all.

We left with a round of "Rocky Top" and huggs and kisses and smiles. The one hour ride back to Knoxville was beautiful. The moutains were bright green, the sun was shining and the windows were down and I felt alright about everything.

Currently:The Yeah Yeah Yeah's

My name is Cristina Davis and everything will be alright.

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