Thursday, December 17, 2009

Livin' the Princess life.

Tuesday, December 8, 2009

xmas dinner party!

My brain hurts and is over worked at the moment... its finals. I had 2 today.. one in an hour and a 7 page paper due. yesterday and today are kicking my ass!

Xmas break starts tomorrow for me.. after a final of course. I can not wait to not have to do anything for a month. This xmas break is gonna rule. got a bunch of stuff planned out. I need to get on top of shopping. Cant wait for xmas and New Years! im going to Stlouis a few days before xmas to hang out with Ben and his family. then after his familys xmas party on xmas eve we are going to my parents home for a few days. then off to Atlanta for a vacation together for New Years! We have tickets to the UT-Virginia tech bowl game and reservations at Top Chef's Kevin Gillespie's restaurant. i am pretty excited about this trip. Cant wait to get away and relax and shop and eat and watch football!

i need to do so much stuff this weekend. xmas shop for my family and Ben and i need to find some cute dresses for new years.

ahhhh my brain is deadddd. too much studying too many tests!